Simple Journey

I want to know a song can rise from the ashes of a broken life... --Mike Donehey, 10th Ave. N.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm a Little Teapot!

Have you ever thought you are more than what you do?  This is a popular thought, and one that came upon me whilest I sat pondering weak and weary over many a troublesome thing,
 but especially over just what I thought I was doing in this world anyway.  Here's how that song came out.
Insert long list of complaints from me to God, I'm sorry to say, then the following:
".... And we never do anything enjoyable to be able to say it's worth it.  Life seems all just work-work-work your tail off with never anything to show.
"I was not made for such an existence.
"God, are You listening to me?  This is the clay 
talking, the pot who would so much rather be a kettle. What were You thinking when You shaped me the way You did? And then left me to be used this way instead of the way I seem to be fit for? 
  "I don't like having my spout sawn off, and my 
lid taken away, and my handle trunkated, to be used for common boiling of vegetables!  I'm a teapot, I am, and I should be used for the finest brewing of tea, carried into the nobles' presence, and coddled and kept warm in a pleasing way, and appreciated for my fineness and beauty and usefulness for their social events.   
"I am an international language;
 I should be used for bringing people together to solve mounting issues in the world.  I should be used to calm fears and smooth ruffled feelings.  I should be used to warm cold hands and comfort the grieving.  Instead, all I am used for now is nourishing hungry stomachs, and 
growing bodies.
"What were You thinking, Potter, when You shaped my clay for a fine teapot and allowed me to be turned to this use???"
I really have to laugh at myself when I re-read this.  I was in such a tither over the "mistakes" God has made in my life, when I got to those final rants I stopped with a gasp.  Ha!!  The joke's on me!
  How I love being Mother to my two children.  Always have, always will.  I am
 so glad I could sing them lullabies that they still remember and repeat to themselves now and then (when they think I'm not listening).  One still asks me to read to him sometimes at night.  I am so glad I can cook and sew for them. 
  I have always considered motherhood the highest calling there is. Wonder of wonders I even got to be one, as I am truly not worthy for such a responsibility.  Miracle of miracles that these two children should ever grow into adulthood well-adjusted enough to make anything out of their lives, with me in charge of their upbringing!
  But I didn't shape this life.  It's being shaped by an all-knowing, all-loving Potter.  And good thing too, as I've no clue whatsoever how to make pottery!
  So the little teapot sings her song, and even though it's vegetables or Sloppy Joes inside boiling away and not fine tea, she thanks the Potter for making her as she is and putting her to the use He has.
What's your beef with Him?  How did you handle it today?  What thoughts came to allow you to go on singing your song? I'd love to know, so please drop a line at the bottom under "comments", and share the wealth of your experience with all of us.  
What's your song today?  Sing it!
Simply yours,
P.S.  All Victorian China teapot pictures came from
Brown broken teapot came from
Green broken teapot came from


  1. What a wonderful analogy! I can relate to wanting to be the Queen's silver teapot instead of the workhorse kettle. Nice job; please post more soon!

    1. Re-reading this just now, all I could think was how blind I was then, and how much editing I should have done still before I posted this! Your words are too kind. :)

  2. Oh, My Sister! How the Lord amazes me! I never would have imagined, as we were growing up, just how He has gifted you with such an ability to write things that touch my heart so. I know that useless feeling too well. And..I know that same feeling of realization that He has made me just as I am meant to be for His Glory. It is a peaceful place I find when I allow Him to shape and MANGLE me into what He sees as the perfect shape for Him to use. Have you ever heard the Song, "The Refiner's Fire"? Not the newer one, but the older one? The second verse says,
    "I'm learning now to trust His touch to crave the fire's embrace, and though my life with sin was etched His mercies did erase. Each time His Purging cleanses deeper, I'm not sure that I'll survive, but His strength, in growing weaker, keeps my hungry soul alive. The Refiner's fire has now become my souls desire....." An amazing song that says sooooo much! That's all I wanted to say. I know the feeling! :o)

    1. Reading this today, you have no idea how meaningful your response here is to me! More than words can tell, so I'll quit trying. Thanks, little sister! <3
