Simple Journey

I want to know a song can rise from the ashes of a broken life... --Mike Donehey, 10th Ave. N.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Those dumb Kings," I keep thinking. "When WILL they ever learn?"

I've been reading the Bible In Ninety Days, or BIND, as we affectionately call it, along with my church. I have just finished the books of I and II Kings, which is a chronicling of why the writer thought God allowed the Israelites to be defeated and taken off to Babylon in captivity. I continually asked myself, "Why can't those blundering kings get it right??"

But I suppose I wouldn't have been any better. How much am I tempted by the material things in my culture? I don't want to admit. But wasn't that the Israelites' problem too? They wanted what they saw the pagans having: sensual and material pleasures. Don't we all?

I was struck this morning when I read the prayer of Jabez and realized he did not ask at all in order to contribute more to God's kingdom - he just asked. (I know I'm leaping ahead here.) I think I tend to judge the Israelites too harshly, now that I realize the surrounding culture was already rife with the Godlessness they sank to. And growing up, the kids' Bible stories we were read painted the Bible heroes as such god-like figures themselves, not subject to normal human needs really. But they weren't, they were simple humans, only their devotion was often single-minded and their purpose unswayed by those around them.

How do we get this same devotion and single-mindedness in the midst of our fallen society? The Israelites failed often too, so we needn't imagine we are any less able than they were because we don't always see success. God honored faithfulness late in life, even after someone had lived a life full of sin, if he or she turned to God at the last.

So we can reach for the gold (so to speak), no matter what came before. We can keep our eyes on the prize, our hand to the plow. We CAN be people of purpose, God's Purpose, in spite of all the shortcomings we see in ourselves.

Somehow, Israel's failure inspires me more than if they had always done the right thing.

What about you?

Simply yours,


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